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Mayor Ravi Bhalla Knows What It Means to Be Bullied and Why Bullying Prevention Matters
Congratulations on your incredible victory in Hoboken’s mayoral race. Did you feel like there was a lot of attention placed on your faith? How do you approach the topic with people who ask about the Sikh faith? Thank you. I believe I won the election because I had served 8 years on the City Council,
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Meet Gay Christian Upstander Erin Green
“I have been harassed for my theological views by other “Christians” online to the point to where I’ve had to block people.” Upstander and gay Christian activist shares how religious-based bullying impacted her life and why she stands up to end all bullying and cyberbullying.
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Hayley’s Story: My Path to Forgiveness
“Around 4 years ago, my worst bully was a boy who, for a whole school year, made it his mission to make my life hell. It started off tame, and morphed into lunch sessions that would end with me crying in the bathroom or a physical assault that ended with my father going to his house and telling him never to speak to me again. Which he didn’t, until one summer night four years ago…”
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Demonstration: Tyler Clementi Foundation to Biola University: Stop Teaching that Being LGBTQ is a Sin
In response to religious-based bullying of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) students and communities at Biola University, the Tyler Clementi Foundation has partnered with students, alumni, and local faith leaders to demonstrate as #Upstanders.
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Tyler Clementi Foundation to Biola University: Stop Teaching Being LGBTQ is a Sin — #LGBTQnotAsin
On November 28, 2017, The Tyler Clementi Foundation, whose mission is to end online and offline bullying in schools, workplaces, and faith communities, submitted a list of grievances and requests to Biola University in response to two instances of religious-based bullying and harassment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) communities.
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Faith in America and The Tyler Clementi Foundation Join Forces to End Religious-Based Bullying
Statement from Mitchell Gold, Co-Founder and Co-Chair, Faith in America, announces merger with the foundation: “”The Tyler Clementi Foundation has become a critical partner in achieving this vision. Jane Clementi has a powerful voice as a mother and person of deep faith. And now with Jason Cianciotto as its new execu- tive director, The Tyler Clementi Foundation will become an even stronger and more impactful leader. Faith in America wants to be a part of that. By joining forces and using precious community resources more strategically and efficiently, we can hit the grand slam needed to end faith-based discrimination.”
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3 Tips When Talking Politics With Family This Holiday Season
This holiday, give the gift of bullying prevention. Make a gift to TCF today and help us create a country free from bullying. Many believe you should never talk politics or religion with friends or family. For people passionate about change…that is mighty hard. This holiday season, it is inevitable that the current, tense political climate will
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Oh, What a Night!
Our 2017 Upstander Legacy Celebration recognized individuals, communities, and leaders who are standing up to end bullying through support and raising awareness. View photos and highlights from our annual event.
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Meet Upstander Trey Darnell
As a father to young adult Harper, Trey Darnell shares why it’s important he and his partner #StandUpStandOut to prevent #bullying for their daughter. “It sounds cliché to say respect is treating someone the way you want to be treated in return. Respect is accepting how beautiful it is that each and every one of us is different. By encouraging uniqueness in the world and expressing yourself in a confident, polite, and respectful manner, you lay the groundwork for a brighter society. When we stop worrying about how people are different from us and we welcome those diversities, we are acting selflessly.”
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Tyler Clementi Foundation Announces New Executive Director, Jason Cianciotto
October 24, 2017 (New York, NY)—Today, the Tyler Clementi Foundation announced the appointment of its new Executive Director, Jason Cianciotto, MPA. Hired as the result of an extensive nationwide search, Cianciotto brings over 15 years of progressive leadership at nonprofit advocacy, research, and direct service organizations. His professional qualifications to lead the foundation are matched
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