
Take Action

You can make a difference as an #Upstander to bullying!

Take the Upstander Pledge

The #Upstander Pledge is your way to join thousands of individuals who are taking an active stand against bullying today and in the future.
Take the Upstander Pledge

Download Free #Day1 Toolkit

The Tyler Clementi Foundation works to end online and offline bullying in schools, workplaces and faith communities. We believe that progress can be made through education, advocacy, research, and collaboration among diverse communities.

Our unique approach of programs promoting pro-active and positive action mixes prevention, remediation and larger systemic change, encouraging individuals and communities to take a stand against bullying from #Day1.

Sign a Petition

You know how important it is to stand up to bullying in its many forms. Each petition serves as a reminder to many that creating a non-hostile space and enabling legislation and conversations which advance positive inclusive spaces matters to each of us. Show your support!
Sign a Petition Now

Contact a Representative

Some change takes place in our legal system. We believe that through the creation and adoption of new laws which prohibit hostility and ensure that individuals like you are able stand up to bullying in schools, workplaces and more. Encourage your representatives to take action!
Learn More

Share a Story

Your stories make a difference. Tell us how bullying has impacted you or the people you care about. Or tell us how TCF’s work matters to you.
Start Now

Volunteer With Us

Want to do even more to support the work of the Tyler Clementi Foundation. Stand up to bullying with other #Upstanders by using your skills, experience, and dedication. Join us!
Learn More

Donate Now

The important advocacy and development of bullying education work done by the Tyler Clementi Foundation depends on you. Please take this opportunity to show your support with a cash donation and be part of the movement!

New Video

Hear from Johnny Weir: How You Can Be the Difference