James Clementi with university students supporting #Day1


Bringing college and universities across the nation together on #Day1 to end bullying on campus before it starts through tested techniques and community building.

#Day1andU Title

YOU can start on #Day1 to end online and offline bullying, harassment, bias and humiliation at your college or university.

Who’s using it? These groups and thousands more! Over 1700 downloads and counting…

See your school’s tile? Use it to promote #Day1!

Don’t see it? Help us bring #Day1 to your campus and you can show your school spirit along with your commitment to end bullying! Learn more here.

Clarion University is a proud #Day1 Partner.

The University of Oklahoma's Anne and Henry Zarrow School of Social Work is a proud #Day1 Partner.

Ohio State University is a proud #Day1 Partner.

Ohio State University is a proud #Day1 Partner.

Philadelphia's University of the Arts is a proud #Day1 Partner.

Franklin College is a proud #Day1 Partner.

Villanova's Alpha Gamma Delta Makes a #Day1 Declaration

Rutgers joins #Day1 to stand against bullying!

Tyler was targeted for humiliation online as he started his freshman year at Rutgers. Just 3 weeks later, after being tormented by his roommate and others, Tyler jumped from the George Washington Bridge. #Day1andU is about colleges, universities, and Greek Life organizations coming together to make sure that Tyler’s story is never repeated.

We are proud to partner with colleges and universities all over the US to put an end to bullying, harassment, and humiliation. Faculty, staff, students, and administration are bringing our free and effective program to their campuses and changing their communities for the better!

Clarion President shares her support of #Day1

See what Clarion University President Dr. Karen M. Whitney says about bringing #Day1 to campus.

Check out these schools sharing their #Day1 Declarations:

#Day1andU is a proactive way to make sure that everyone is working together to create a culture of respect among each other. Join our team of campuses and college organizations that are standing behind #Day1.

In addition to participating in #Day1 events throughout the nation, you can take the first step to end bullying by taking the Upstander Pledge below and stand up to bullying and harassment.

Want to bring #Day1 to your school? Here’s how.

Are you Greek? Click here for our Day1 Greek toolkit!

Need more info before joining? Check out this FAQ page. The answers lie within!

Take the Upstander Pledge and stand up against bullying and harassment on your university and college campus:

I pledge to be an Upstander:

  • I will stand up to bullying whether I’m at school, at home, at work, in my house of worship, or out with friends, family, colleagues, or teammates.
  • I will work to make others feel safe and included by treating them with respect and compassion.
  • I will not use insulting or demeaning language, slurs, gestures, facial expressions, or jokes about anyone’s sexuality, size, gender, race, any kind of disability, religion, class, politics, or other differences, in person or while using technology.

If I see or hear behavior that perpetuates prejudice:

  • I will speak up! I will let others know that bullying, cruelty, and prejudice are abusive and not acceptable.
  • I will reach out to someone I know who has been the target of abusive actions or words and let this person know that this is not okay with me and ask how I can help.
  • I will remain vigilant and not be a passive audience or “bystander” to abusive actions or words.

If I learn in person or online that someone is feeling seriously depressed or potentially suicidal:

  • I will reach out and tell this person, “Your life has value and is important, no matter how you feel at the moment and no matter what others say or think.”
  • I will strongly encourage this person to get professional help.

#Day1 Video

#Day1 Across the Nation