Workplace Training

Workplace Options partners with The Tyler Clementi Foundation to create positive trainings that helps educate parents how to stand against bullying.

Too much of the burden of ending bullying is put on schools. We think parents play a key role. The foundation has partnered with Workplace Options to offer trainings on youth bullying to parents where they are during the day–at work. Our training helps educate people about whether the young people in their lives are being bullied or are bullies.

The training is delivered by Workplace Options – a leading global employee well-being company. The training was created by The Tyler Clementi Foundation with the expertise of Michael Palmiere at Teachers College – Adult Learning & Leadership Program at Columbia University and Dr. Dorothy Espelage – one of the top anti-bullying researchers in the world. Together we created an evidence-based, corporate training curriculum that is offered to businesses all over the world. The focus is to teach individuals how to identify, approach, discuss and resolve youth bullying issues with their children, and young people in their personal lives. Workplace Options is offering this training to companies in over 200 countries and territories worldwide. A portion of the proceeds will be channeled to the Tyler Clementi Foundation to continue to fund its programs and operations.

To request more information or to schedule this training for your workplace, please email. Please include your full name, your organization/company’s name, and the best phone number during business hours. A Workplace Options training specialist will contact you to review your request.

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