While politicians may be talking about building walls to keep people out, we have built a wall of inclusion and kindness. Since 2016 we have been building images, memes, and sharable sentiments that capture our values. Help share these online, you can print them and turn them into kitchen magnets or trading cards, greeting cards, or even print 2 copies and create an anti-bullying game of “memory” for young people in your life.
Prince George Ballroom, New York City. 11/14/16. Photo by Syd London
Prince George Ballroom, New York City. 11/14/16. Photo by Syd London
32% of LGBTQ Students Missed One Entire Day of School in the Past Month Because They Felt Unsafe or Uncomfortable.
Prince George Ballroom, New York City. 11/14/16. Photo by Syd London
Prince George Ballroom, New York City. 11/14/16. Photo by Syd London
Prince George Ballroom, New York City. 11/14/16. Photo by Syd London
1 Out of 4 Students are Bullied during the school year.
Infographic: More than Half of Muslim Students Have Experienced Religion-based Bullying.
Prince George Ballroom, New York City. 11/14/16. Photo by Syd London