Since we began our partnership with AT&T a few months ago, we have been able to expand our reach and work to end bullying. We collaborated on an extensive poll of New York-area teens and parents to uncover attitudes and behaviors related to cyberbullying. The results were substantial. Nearly half of all teens say they have been bullied online. 8 in 10 know someone who has been the victim of cyberbullying.Read the full results of our poll here!
This weekend we join AT&T and the All American High School Film Festival in kicking off an exciting opportunity for 100 New York-area student filmmakers, as they compete at the national Teen Film Festival. The teens will create films focused on the personal effects of cyberbullying. We are honored to be a partner for this incredible event. The films produced and the relationships built this weekend will create more compassion and respect at high schools across the New York area.
Andrew Jenks, Filmmaker and founder of All American High School Film Festival
Tom Oliva and Brian Lindenbaum, Co-Founders of AAHSFF
Jon Adler, Director of Development, CNN Original Series
Caroline Moore, Vice President, Pretty Matches productions/HBO
Neil Giacobbi, Associate VP, AT&T
Chris Mirigliani, Producer, Beats 1
Other industry professionals
Nearly 100 teen filmmakers from New York and New Jersey
IFP Media Center
30 John Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Saturday, May 14, 2016
9:00AM to 4:00PM (Filmmakers and Teens Available Throughout the Day)
Participating schools include:
- High School for Health Professionals and Human Services
- NEST + m High School
- Chelsea Career & Technical Education High School
- Crotona International High School
- Bushwick Leaders High School
- Urban Assembly of Music and Art
- Robert Louis Stevenson School
- The Beacon School
- Grace Church School
- Perth Amboy High School
- Cedar Crest High School
- Rye Country Day School