
Programs of the Tyler Clementi Foundation

The Tyler Clementi Foundation works to end online and offline bullying in schools, workplaces and faith communities in the United States. We believe that progress can be made through education, advocacy, research, and collaboration among diverse communities.

Our unique approach of programs promoting pro-active and positive action mixes prevention, remediation and larger systemic change, encouraging individuals and communities to take a stand against bullying from #Day1.

Upstander Pledge

The first step toward ending bullying is to make a personal commitment to stop it, report it, or reach out to the victim with support. The Upstander Pledge empowers you to be a leader in your community by demonstrating your stand against bullying. You can encourage others to take responsibility for their actions. This important tool is a positive way to help counter hostile environments, garner support, and build a larger movement of awareness.
Take the Upstander Pledge

#Day1 Campaign

tcf-logo-day1_224x224We must prevent bullying before it begins. Imagine if on the first day of school, work or on a new sports team, a person in authority stood up and verbally told everyone that any form of bullying, harassment, or humiliation would not be tolerated?
The #Day1 Campaign is an effective, immediate, and free way to reduce bullying, harassment, and humiliation. It requires these elements:

  • a person in authority,
  • a clear statement of behavior expectations,
  • adoption early in the tenure of new students/employees/athletes, and
  • a verbal confirmation of understanding from the group.

#Day1 focuses schools, universities, workplaces, athletic programs, and other group environments on a targeted intervention during orientation. #Day1 clearly states that some forms of teasing or cruelty are unacceptable. Learn more about this free and simple program.
Download your free #Day1 toolkit

Public Policy

Changing laws can change outcomes for individuals and communities affected by hostile bullying environments. To end bullying in elementary schools though high schools as well as colleges and universities, the Tyler Clementi Foundation supports the federal Safe Schools Improvement Act and The Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act. To end the cyber harassment and abuse that disproportionately hurts women, girls and the LGBTQ community we are also supporters of the Intimate Privacy Protection Act. Read on to learn more about the changes these bills would make to federal law.
Help Us Pass Anti-Bullying Bills Today

Upstander Speaker Series

Using the power of story and personal tragedy, the Clementi family speaks around the country to move people to action. The series helps the foundation engage with the public and the media to educate people about the harmful effects of bullying and the opportunities to proactively respond in their communities.
Bring an Upstander Speaker to your community

Tyler’s Suite

Tyler’s Suite is a nine-piece choral movement that shares the story of Tyler Clementi and ultimately shines a light of hope for a kinder, more understanding world. The project was brought together under the musical leadership of Stephen Schwartz (composer and lyricist of Wicked and Pippin), who also composed one of the pieces, and Dr. Timothy Seelig, Conductor and Artistic Director of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus.
Learn more about Tyler’s Suite and see a list of upcoming performances

Tyler Clementi Center at Rutgers

The Tyler Clementi Center is a research institute at Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey. A collaborative effort between Rutgers University and the Tyler Clementi Foundation, the Center draws from academic disciplines across the university and throughout the nation to create new scholarship and interventions to address issues that confront young people – specifically vulnerable youth making the transition from home to college.  Through research efforts, symposia and lecture series, curricular development and digital engagement, this Center provides support to students and  professionals across the United States. It addresses issues such as:

  • The impact of social environment on students during their transition to college
  • The challenges of adjustment and assimilation into college life
  • The need for suicide prevention and promotion of overall health
  • The use and misuse of new technologies and social media
  • The impact of peer aggression
  • The understanding of and promotion of safe and inclusive social environments

Learn more about the The Tyler Clementi Center at Rutgers University

Workplace Training

Too much of the burden of ending bullying is put on schools. We think parents play a key role. The foundation has partnered with Workplace Options (WPO) to offer trainings on youth bullying to parents where they are during the day–at work. Our training helps educate people about whether the young people in their lives are being bullied or are bullies.
Learn more and request a training here

Public Opinion Research

Data should inform decision-making and we need public opinion research to help inform anti-bullying goals. The Tyler Clementi Foundation will produce a tracking poll three times a year (during school year transitions) to raise awareness of key topics and trends. In addition, the foundation conducts a robust round of public opinion research to uncover what messages and messengers are the most effective in combating bullying. This research is shared publicly so it can inform everyone working to end bullying.

New Video

Hear from Johnny Weir: How You Can Be the Difference