Join us to meet Jane Clementi,
co-founder of the Tyler Clementi Foundation,
a leading national non-profit working to end
online and offline bullying in schools,
workplaces, and faith communities.
Sunday, June 4, 2017
11am to 1pm
Shorenstein Residence
101 Central Park West
New York City, NY 10023
To reserve your spot, we humbly invite you to make a tax-deductible donation of $150 or more in support of the Tyler Clementi Foundation by using the form below. Should you have questions or wish to invite a guest, please email Jonill Mayer, Development Director, at rsvp@tylerclementi.org.
After the brunch, the hosts and Clementis will head to the Lincoln Center premier of Tyler’s Suite, a nine-piece choral movement spearheaded by Stephen Schwartz (Wicked, Pippin) and Dr. Timothy Seelig of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus. We would love to see you there! To purchase tickets to the concert or to learn more, please click here. Should you wish to sit near to your fellow brunch goers, the concert creators suggest rows M, N, and O.
Below please find a helpful breakdown of the ways in which your support on the occasion of the June 4th brunch will help the Tyler Clementi Foundation protect today’s youth:
- Your $150 minimum gift will help bring our simple, easy-to-use bullying prevention program #Day1 to 3 classrooms.
- With a gift of $250, you can help us bring #Day1 to 3 workplaces.
- A $500 gift will help the Tyler Clementi Foundation deliver its powerful anti-bullying Workplace Training to a business in need.
- $1,000 can help offset the costs of bringing Jane or James Clementi to a local school to give their acclaimed Upstander Speaker Series so that more schools can discover and learn from Tyler’s story.
- For $2,500, you can help the Foundation to commission a national poll/survey to learn about bullying attitudes and best practices, to help shape our work and that of those in our field.
- And finally, with a gift of $5,000, you can help the Foundation access software that will allow it to more effectively engage the media.