Help the Tyler Clementi Foundation keep our simple and effective bullying-prevention tools, like our lauded #Day1 campaign as featured on CBS Sunday Morning, free and accessible to the public and those that need them most.
When you make a gift between now and the end of the April,
it will be doubly impactful, thanks to the generous
$5,000 matching gift challenge
made by our fabulous host, Kevin Carroll!
Thank you for your support. Together, we can end online and offline bullying.
Below please find a helpful breakdown of the ways you can help us protect today’s youth:
- A $150 gift will help bring our simple, easy-to-use bullying prevention program #Day1 to 3 classrooms.
- With a gift of $250, you can help us bring #Day1 to 2 college campuses or 3 workplaces.
- A $500 gift lets us share our powerful anti-bullying Workplace Training to a business in need.
- $1,000 can help offset the costs of bringing Jane or James Clementi to a local school to give their acclaimed Upstander Speaker Series so that more schools can discover and learn from Tyler’s story.
- For $2,500, TCF can commission a national poll/survey to learn about bullying attitudes and best practices, to help shape our work and that of those in our field.
- And finally, with a gift of $5,000, you can help TCF access software that will allow us to more effectively engage the media.