
You are a #Day1 #Upstander

Congratulations! You have joined thousands of other #Upstanders who are standing up to bullying.

Be a Proud #Upstander

#Day1 Upstander Badge

Share your achievement with others by posting this badge (right click and save) or sharing the pledge in social media with the hashtags #Day1 and #Upstander.

You are making a difference in your classroom, in the lives of your friends and classmates by agreeing to stand up to bullying whenever and wherever it happens!

Share the badge to show your friends online that you are an #Upstander.

Ready to take the next step in being an #Upstander? There are many ways to take action!

  • Share Your Story. How has bullying affected you or those in your family or community? Together, we can learn from each other and develop solutions.
  • Volunteer with the Tyler Clementi Foundation. Your ideas and experience are important in spreading the message that bullying is not OK. Join other students like yourself as a volunteer with the Tyler Clementi Foundation.

Looking for more ideas? Start here.

Thank you for being an #Upstander and making a difference in the lives of so many people!

#Day1 Video

#Day1 Across the Nation